Thursday, 7 April 2011

MessageParty (The Remix): A New Service For Location-Based Blogging

Back in August of last year we wrote about MessageParty, a new location-based chat service that let you exchange messages with people (even strangers) located nearby. But that didn't really work out ?�outside of a few random events, there was never a high enough density of messages for people to really interact with each other. So today the company is announcing that it's relaunching (I'm avoiding the 'P' word) as something very different: location-based blogging, or, as CEO Amanda Peyton calls it, "GeoBlogging". The service is going live today in New York City, and you can download the iPhone app right here. The service is sort of like Foursquare Tips ?�but instead of leaving notes like "The bathroom code is 1985", MessageParty is for photos, video, and richer narratives. Say you were wandering through Central Park and you came across some particularly impressive street performers.



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