Monday, 4 April 2011

Google bids for Nortel's patent portfolio in hopes of helping Android and Chrome


Google has announced today via its blog that it has bid for Nortel's patent portfolio. They begin their blog post by chastising companies that use patents to stifle innovation and the current patent system in general. 

Here is the next paragraph:

But as things stand today, one of a company’s best defenses against this kind of litigation is (ironically) to have a formidable patent portfolio, as this helps maintain your freedom to develop new products and services. Google is a relatively young company, and although we have a growing number of patents, many of our competitors have larger portfolios given their longer histories.

Nortel is a communications giant that dates back to the 1800s, thus their patent portfolio must be enormous. Google's current bid was labeled as the "stalking-horse bid," which means that others wanting to bid for the portfolio will have to use its bid as the starting point. 

Google also mentioned the Android and Chrome projects specifically towards the end of its  post, citing the need to protect them as a main reason for bidding. 

Ideally, the patent system would undergo much needed reforms; until then, moves like this are the best defense against an onslaught of lawsuits. [Google blog]

Google bids for Nortel's patent portfolio in hopes of helping Android and Chrome posted originally by Android Central

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